the heart of nothing


near Danish flat, just past

yellow cat, the highway drops

from the hills, flattens


into an arrow

pointed straight at the heart

of nothing at all.


my father

was an Ohio farmboy, but always

loved the desert


would stand staring into it

for hours from the edge

of the motel


parking lot. all

that room—room enough for all

the dreams, all


the disappointment.

we buried his ashes in a small

square hole in a hillside


in ohio—

redwing blackbirds and endless

rows of corn.


up ahead, a storm

has gathered, blue tendrils of rain

reaching down


to stroke the desert

as if tomorrow has already

begun to cry


on our behalf

knowing as it must

all that lies ahead.


windows down,

I kill the lights and stomp

on the gas. fat drops


slap the windshield

while the wind tears at my hair.

I’m flying now



into the black heart of the storm

spinning free


like an arrow

pointed straight at the heart

of nothing at all.


© Old Bones, New Snow/ JA Fink


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