morrocan elements – first of two pieces












Struck by the contrast between the walled density of the old cities, and the edgeless space of the desert… 




squeezing like corpuscles

through the black capillaries of the medinah

the ancient spice of sweat and piss

of horses and sheep

the stench of human kind

since before memory began

generations striving

to mount the higher floors

to rise above the stink

of this shame in who we are

while the rest of us

have little choice but to ride on

wildly whipping our donkeys

crossing the road

charging hellbent, blind and desperate

deeper and deeper into the trackless

featureless sands of our lives





Costa Brava


costa brava sunrise














Costa Brava


here’s to tits. And hot sun,

beaches and sand, oil

and oversized towels.

To skinny tits widely spaced

on broad strong chests,

and to pendulous breasts

swinging like the balls

of great bulls, to pointy tits

and to those distended by time.

here’s to young girls

in string suits and mothers

with nipples swollen by the nurse,

and to the proud round bottoms

of middle age, such succulent fruits

ripened on the vine – here’s

to all the promises, intended

and not, spoken, unspoken

and untried. here’s to the small waves

lapping at her legs, to the sunlight

rising, reflected, shimmering

through the sweet space of never

between her thighs

as she makes her way down

to the water and slips

into the soft blue mouth

of the deep. And here’s to all

the old men staring

from the cafes lining the beach,

each straining his yellowing eyes,

each licking his cracked sandy lips,

each awash in the memory

of the sharp salty tang of the sea.



