one last chance



walking empty streets

in a late season snow, alone — where

have we all gone? what in heaven’s name

have we done?


this unnatural natural

silence, the distant cry of geese

returning, desperate for a place

to land


a single light in a room at the back

goes dark, while the herd comes down

from the mountains, begins to reclaim

its place. fitfully


we sleep and dream of morning

breathing our wordless prayers


for warmth

for the resurrection of spring

for a second new covenant

for one last chance


to do better


© 2020 jafink/



in this ocean without shores


Though the sun is out this morning, the sadness in the world right now is stunning. Probably close to a billion people in some form of lock down or quarantine, industries and wages brought to a standstill, thousands sick, thousands dead, thousands dying, thousands denying that the situation is serious

The ancient human lament – How did this happen? When will it end?

The Shambhala teachings say that when we break entirely from our habitual patterns, the tender heart of sadness emerges — and here we are, completely groundless, impermanence and dissolution manifesting in all realms simultaneously

a tenderness, a sadness so thick that we essentially bathe in it

Unable to swim home, we lie back, floating, and look to the sun, look to the vast and empty sky, rising and falling on the endless waves in this ocean without shores

without bottom,

without beginning,

without end.