chilidish things

 I was walking in a bookstore when the phrase, “we always believed that she could fly” came into my mind, loudly.  That night, a poem arose.  The details are from my mother’s memorial….


tombstone, child's grave

detail of weathered tombstone, barnett, VT



chilidish things 


we stood in a circle about the grave

some read poems and some


chose silence. the funeral director

placed her ashes into the hole


while redwing blackbirds sang

in the fields. we always assumed


that she could fly, but then we

were only children, eager to cling


to childish things





7 thoughts on “chilidish things

  1. Funerals are rich places for poetry, no? I was walking with an Episcopalian minister and a Buddhist priest one day years ago; as they talked they agreed they both would much rather officiate at funerals than weddings.

    • I agree- perhaps there is nothing more “real” than a funeral, not just for the one who’s passed, but so too for those left waving from the shore. This boat is not coming back again…

  2. Paula- so sorry for your fall and having to cancel RA. I’m really bummed to hear that. Massive waves of tonglen and good drala coming your way.

  3. Now this is synchronicity … was just about to email you when you poem came thru…It’s beautiful, fewer verbiage ( sp) more message. NOT childish, playful is more like it Jeff!!! . .

    Will be thinking about you and our tight group, send all my love to each/everyone. HOLD each and everyone in my heart. Am suggesting that you do the same,hold me with loving kindness and compassion in YOUR heart.

    Had to cancel all plans to RA. I fell again and now have yet another concussion. At least I have my eyesight. I’m planning on doing my own RA here at home. All of you will be present in spirit ( in my container) as I experience your presence and the teachings of the Sakyong .

    With love to all and all a good RA!

    OXX Paula


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